Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。本分享视频来自腾讯视频,版权归原作者所有,本分享旨在学生英语学习。
Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》选取了100个代表中国传统文化精髓的汉语词汇,从不同侧面反映中国文化的博大精深。
The Chinese character yú, which means fish with a plump body and round eyes.
Yú is related to special meanings and legends. There was a yú in the Yellow River. Yú wanted to jump over the Dragon Gate, so that he could become a dragon. However, only quite a few yú could accomplish that feat in the turbulent river. People with great achievements in study or business are often compared to these yú who have turned into dragons. Therefore, carps, a kind of yú, represent achieving prosperity through hard work.
Yú is a word with the double meaning in China. A Spring Festival painting featuring a yú is a symbol of an affluent life. Yú remind Chinese of prosperity and fortune. Thus, people like to raise yú to pray for good luck.
Yú is a produce of nature and a mascot in Chinese daily life.单词速记:
1.plump [plʌmp] adj.丰腴的;微胖的;松软的;丰满的;饱满的 v.使变大;使更软;使更圆pl (满足,填充,fill)+ ump → 丰满的2.feat [fiːt] n.技艺;武艺;功绩;英勇事迹feat和fact 同源,即与词根-feat-(做,作)同源。The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering.3.turbulent [ˈtɜːrbjələnt] adj.动荡的;动乱的;骚动的;混乱的;汹涌的;猛烈的;湍动的;混乱而难以控制的turb 搅动 + ulent 形容词后缀 → 搅动太多的 → 骚乱的a short and turbulent career in politics4.carp [kɑːrp] n.鲤鱼 v.不停地抱怨;唠叨词源解释:carp(名词)←古法语carpe←通俗拉丁语carpa(鲤鱼);carp(动词)←古挪威语karpa(吹嘘)英语单词carp往往被翻译为“鲤鱼”,实际上指的是整个鲤科。如Asian carps是美国人对青鱼、草鱼、鳙鱼、鲤鱼、鲢鱼等8种鱼的统称。21世纪70年代,为清理淡水中的有害藻类,美国人从中国进口亚洲鲤鱼。但亚洲鲤鱼生长迅速,在美国几乎没有天敌和竞争对手,很快成为当地一霸,对美国湖区生态平衡构成重大威胁。美国政府曾经呼吁过市民食用亚洲鲤鱼,但美国人不爱吃淡水鱼,且不懂得如何烹调去除亚洲鲤鱼的土腥味,因此美国政府不得不组织专人甚至派遣军队去猎杀亚洲鲤鱼。词组习语:carp at(对某人吹毛求疵,找…的茬)助记窍门:carp→谐音“卡捕”→围堵猎捕亚洲鲤鱼→鲤鱼→鲤鱼刺多→所以要“挑刺”→找茬“The Classics on Fish Breeding”, written by Fan Li of the Warring States Period ( 475 B.C.-221B. C.), was the world's first book on fish breeding. Fan started to breed silver carp in 473B. C., and the book was based on his experience.中国战国时代范蠡所著《养鱼经》是世界上最早的养鱼文献。范在公元前473年即开始养殖鲤鱼,并写下这本书。5.affluent [ˈæfluənt] adj.富裕的 n.富裕的人;支流af 加强 + flu 流动 + ent 具有…性质的 →〔钱多得〕不断流出 → 富裕的Cigarette smoking used to be commoner among affluent people.6.mascot [ˈmæskɑːt] n.吉祥物词源:英语中表示“吉祥物”的单词mascot源于法国南部普罗旺斯语mascoto,由单词masco(女巫)而来,原本表示“女巫的魔法、护身符”,引申为能够带来好运的东西。19世纪末它才被正式以mascotte的拼写收入法文词典。该词得以流行源自1880年法国剧作家埃德蒙·奥德朗(Edmond Audran)所创作的一出轻歌剧《La Mascotte》(吉祥物)。歌剧中的主角是一名美丽善良的女孩贝蒂娜(Bettina),据说她是一个幸运儿,能给人带来好运,所以被人亲切地称为La Mascotte(吉祥物)。在剧中,贝蒂娜给很多带来了好运,如雇佣她照看火鸡的农夫遇到王子,变成了宫廷侍卫;在宫廷阴谋中,和她一起在农场干活的男友幸运逃脱危险;贝蒂娜参加的军队毫无悬念地赢得了所有战斗。这一歌剧在法国大受欢迎,mascotte一词也得到广泛应用,用来表示“幸运儿、能带来好运的人或物”。随着该歌剧传入英国,该词也进入英语,拼写改为mascot。Misha, the bear─the official mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympics
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):65 Noodles-(面条)